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The best roses for blackspot resistance in my garden are Belinda's Dream, Double Knockout, The Mayflower, Lady Elsie May, Sunrise at Heirloom, Golden Fairy Tale, The Fairy, Bonica and a couple of the easy elegance roses (Macy's Pride, Hot Wonder and Centennial). Some that were supposed to have good resistance don't. Margarite Fuchs and Buffy Ste. Marie are both very susceptible here. They bloom like crazy and may well have decent mildew resistance, but they're blackspot suckers. One of my easy elegance roses is pretty good but not clean (Sweet Fragrance). Same for Honeysweet. Sexy Rexy has been a disappointment for blackspot. Lavaglow has more blackspot than I would have expected, but it's also the first year and it seems some plants are better after they're established. My Cl. Iceberg is much cleaner than the floribunda version.
I spray fungicide on a biweekly basis. Everything was pretty clean until the last three weeks or so, but it's been an extremely wet year.