Blue Zinnia
Kentucky, United States
I've been rose-mad since I was a small child. I like nearly all of them, except
a few garish AARS mistakes from the '90s, but especially love the Gallicas and
the Damask or Damask-scented roses. For me, the damask scent of "Zephirine
Drouhin" is THE aroma (other than well-aged baseball glove :)) of childhood summer mornings. And if there's a lovelier rose in existence than "Tuscany" or "Madame
Hardy", I can't imagine what it would be. (Well, maybe _R. rugosa alba_; I do
have a thing for singles, and for white roses generally.) I will probably spend way. way too much time on this site. :)
Very experienced (71 years)
Last visit: More than a year ago