HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 7 SEP 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 SEP 10 by Emilka
Evo, ta je fakt krásná.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 SEP 10 by Eva L.
Ahoj Emilko, no vidíš, kde se taky sejdeme. Že bychom si na HMF zřídili další diskusní fórum ?
Dnes se mi zachtělo nasypat sem pár fotek. Českých přispěvatelů tu moc není, tak jen houšť a větší kapky. Ať svět vidí, že nejsme růžoví analfabeti.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 SEP 10 by Emilka
Moc pěkně jsi to napsala :o) Nad fotečkami jsem se pokochola. Škoda, že už se blížíme k podzimu, ale zase se můžeme těšit na příští rok.
most recent 29 JUN 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 JUN 10 by Emilka
Dobrý den pane Ježovič, nádherná fotka. Můžete prosím okomentovat odolnost této růže vůči chorobám a teplotní odolnost. Je tato růže vhodná k řezu?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 29 JUN 10 by Vladimír Ježovič
Dobrý deň, ružu ´Slovenka´ máme v rozáriu iba krátko, u nás trpí čiernou škvrnitosťou, inak je odolná ako priemerné TH. Zatiaľ som z nej nerezal do vázy, ale zaradím toto kritérium do sledovania vlastností ruží, ktoré u nás robíme. Ďakujem Vám za milé slová!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 29 JUN 10 by Emilka
Já děkuji Vám , za odpověď a za krásné fotky, kterými přispíváte.
most recent 15 JUN 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 JUN 10 by Jay-Jay
Thank You for uploading this picture, so I can compare it with "Topaz Jewel".
Reply #1 of 9 posted 11 JUN 10 by Emilka
hello, I like very much this rose , for its frangrance and very early flowering.
Reply #2 of 9 posted 12 JUN 10 by HonzaPM
to musí být vůně... mmm.... áách :)
Reply #3 of 9 posted 13 JUN 10 by Emilka
Už bude rychle po vůni, horko udělalo své a včerejší bouřka to dokonala, se těším na příští rok. :o))))
Reply #4 of 9 posted 13 JUN 10 by Jay-Jay
Sorry, but this I can't understand.
Reply #5 of 9 posted 14 JUN 10 by Emilka
Jay jay, I have just complain about quick rose bloom finish due to very hot weather last week and yesterday heavy thunderstorm.
What's your favourite fragrant rose?
Reply #6 of 9 posted 14 JUN 10 by Jay-Jay
Emilka, thank You for explaining!
On this moment it is "Étoile de Hollande Cl."! Not because I'm Dutch............, but as a complete surprise it is in my garden the first to bloom and has, as a delicious extra, a long lasting strong Damascener Fragrance that stays for days even on a vase!
The real colour isn't easy to catch, but you can get an impression at "Photo Id: 147994"
Yesterday for the first time I smelled "Friesia". She has an impressive fragrance too.
Later on "Erotika", "Prince Jardinier", "Honoré de Balzac" and last but not least "Winschoten"!
Greetings from the Netherlands, Jay-Jay.
Reply #7 of 9 posted 14 JUN 10 by HonzaPM
Jay jay, hi there. And I wrote to Emilka, that I can really imagine the strong fragrance of her rose on this picture :).
Reply #8 of 9 posted 14 JUN 10 by Jay-Jay
Thank you too HonzaPM! "Topaz Jewel" behaves a lot like this rose, but has a little bit of a very nice beehive-smell! (And lots and lots of thorns in all kinds of sizes)
A good day to You too!
Reply #9 of 9 posted 15 JUN 10 by Emilka
Hello Jay-jay, thanks for your reply. Some of them seems not to be suitable for our climate :o( but some could be a choice for autumn order. Take care Emilka
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