Pink Eclipse AKA Athy369Ha has two denominations listed. 369HA is not Athycocoha. They are two different varieties. Pink Eclipse, Athy369HA is one variety and Oxford Girl, Athycocoha is an altogether differnt plant. It would be great if this could be corrected.
Re Pink Eclipse Mr Athy - thank you. . I gather the "bred date" was 1995? I will add: no fragrance and medium green foliage for Pink Eclipse. Are there any other discernable characteristics you would like to add for this rose?
The variety Oxford Girl has two denominations listed. Oxford Girl is Athycocoha. Athy369Ha and Pink Eclipse are a different variety altogether and should not be on this page. It would be great if this could be corrected.
Good to hear from you at last Mr. Athy. We were mislead by the 2023 Jackson and Perkins reference for Oxford Girl which stated it was variety ATHY369HA. What "bred date" shall we use for Oxford Girl? How will the public know which rose they have? Are there discernable differences? I do see strong fragrance, and dark green foliage for Oxford Girl. Can we add the parentage for Oxford Girl please.
PlantDiscussion id : 77-235
Hello Can you tell me is it possible to remove a listed plant? I would like to remove Athygostent until its trial with an American company is complete. As you know this may jeopardise the potential for future release. Thanks in advance Mike Athy
Done, let us know how you make.
Hi and thank you In an effort earlier this morning to explore if it was possible to remove an entry it seems I may have doubled up and created a clone?? There is now only one entry thanks to your help but can we remove that one also? Thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience All the best Mike
It seems this rose was introduced in 2011. Was it another rose you were thinking of?
There is the possibility that it will get released to a wider audience. The nursery involved has asked that it be temporarily taken down. Is this possible? Mike
Hi Mike,
We deleted the listing as per your request but we don't see where there a duplicate listing now ?
Hi I do not know if I am missing something but the only way I can view your reply is to look under member comments on the athygostent page? Mike
Hi Thanks for your help so far. I see there is still an entry for Athygostent online. Is it possible to have it removed please. Is this something that I can do or must it be done by admin? Thanks again Mike
There are two seed parents mentioned - 'Smooth Prince' or 'The Prince'?
Why don't you send a PM to Mike and confirm the lineage.
Smiles, Lyn
OK. Oopsy this HelpMeFind member chooses not accept private messages. We're back to.... does anybody else know?
The parent is smooth prince.