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21 MAY 04
I\'ve been watering all week, for it hasn\'t rained. Yesterday was my day to fertilize again. Today, I spray again. I\'m just waiting for the leaves to dry. The Ortho Rose Pride spray did help, more on some than others.
This second cycle of blooming is a little different than the first, in that the whole bush is not blooming at once--more spaced out. I\'ve removed many blooms for even the HT are doing 2-3, even 4 blooms per stem. I\'m leaving just one per stem.
16 MAY 04
Watered each bush [ 41 ] 1 gallon, plus I have other flowers in front to be watered also. Then I cleaned and deadheaded them. I was going to edge our yard, but a thunder cloud came up, so I returned equipment to \'shop\'--but it didn\'t rain after all--but I did get a nap. Uploaded 22 more photos. Updated \'roses grown\' after the other 3 were listed and made a note of the roses of which I have 2 and of one that I have 3 bushes---and 2 for which I have no name--so that my 41 bushes could be accounted for.
14 MAY 04
Blooming is picking up again. Some of the bushes have as many buds as the first cycle. I have been removing some buds where it seems like there are too many--when there are 3 or 4 on one stem, I\'m removing all but 1.
Sprayed them again today, this time with Ortho Rose Pride. Mildew has shown up on some--the first time for me. The Rose Pride is twice as strong as the Orthenex. I will see how much better it does.
Left them clean late today, so they will be okay until Monday.
Thank you, Lord, for every bloom and its individual beauty--for only You can create such wonderous fragrances and beauty.
11 MAY 04
Rained today, so didn\' even go outside. Uploaded 33 roses. I\'m about up to date on that.
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