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Josephine in NE Ohio zone 5b. She is getting better as the years pass!
Uploaded 7 DEC 12 |
Shown with Westerland climbing rose.
Uploaded 24 JUN 12 |
A sparkling beauty! NE Ohio zone 5b The clematis on the left is Beauty of Worcester, another winner here! Very vigorous clemmy!
Uploaded 7 DEC 12 |
Vigorous growing and a beauty! NE Ohio zone 5b
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 24 JUN 12 |
A sparkling beauty! NE Ohio zone 5b
Uploaded 7 DEC 12 |
Livin Easy rose planted in a small "specimen" garden bed with purple Superbenas around. Zone 5b NE Ohio. Excellent rose and very disease resistant!
Uploaded 9 JUN 12 |
Beautiful Westerland rose cluster with Franziska Marie clematis growing through her. So fragrant too!
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 8 AUG 12 |
Two year old Dr Ruppel clematis. Zone 5b NE Ohio Beauty of Worcester clematis. NE Ohio. Zone 5b. A vigorous clemmy for a group 2! Mine gets to 10 ft tall and blooms rather well.
Uploaded 20 NOV 11 |