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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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blue fire rose
most recent 14 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 JUN 09 by blue fire rose
hi I have just been given a josephine bruce rose question is when do i plant it and what type of area does it need to be in position wise.. i live in lithgow near the hospital end of the highway any advice would be appreciated .. thanks

Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 JUN 09 by Patricia Routley
Hello Kathy. Lithgow apparently has an average minimum temperature of -2.7 degrees centigrade. This particular rose ideally would like it warmer, so any overhead protection you can give it would be good. What about under the eave on the north side of the house, or on the north side of a sheltering shrub? 'Josephine Bruce' was said to be a low and spreading HT.
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