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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 24 JUL 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 2 MAY 09 by Renee
Just bought this rose and ow I'm a little concerned. I live in Southern California specifically the San Gabriel Valley, Arcadia. One comment mention this rose isn't heat tolerant. Does anyone in a hot climate own this rose. We get pretty hot in the summer.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 3 MAY 09 by Cass
We see a lot of temperatures in the mid 90's for days on end from mid-June through July in Sonoma County. Are you asking if this rose blooms right through the hottest part of summer? The answer is, no, not much. Are you asking about bloom fade? No, not much. Certainly the plant handles the heat just fine and hasn't shown the slightest inclination to burned canes. But most of my roses slow down during that time period. We don't have the water resources to really flood them after the spring flush, and as a result, they cannot be fertilized to induce that bloom. By mid-August, though, everything picks up again. This rose does form a small bloomer, canes about 5 feet long, blooming on laterals. It will eventually require some careful thought about training.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 4 MAY 09 by Renee
Thanks for your information. I had read that the rose doesn't do well in the heat. I wasn't sure what that meant, now I understand better how it performs. I was planning on using this rose almost like a vertical bush not quite climbing. I guess I would keep some of those long canes and would end up with just the shape I was looking for. Thanks so much for your quick response.

On a slightly different topic. Your in the Sonoma area have you ever been to Cornerstoneplace gardens?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 4 MAY 09 by Cass
I guess you figured out that I mean climber but typed "bloomer." Sheesh. By the way, a rosarian from Sherman Oaks reports that in his garden, which is considerably hotter than mine and closer to yours, RinB defoliates and shuts down in the high heat! I don't know if it does that everywhere in SoCal, but it certainly bears checking further.

Is Cornerplace Gardens the Luther Burbank home? I've been there, a few years ago.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 24 JUL 09 by Lesia
Hi, I live in NC and this was the first rose I bought. The first 2 years it was really hardy, since I didn't do anything to it (we even had a severe drought). However, this year I have been watering it and fertilizing and it is doing great. I would call it a survivor!
most recent 23 JUN 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 MAY 05 by Renee
This is a miniature rose I planted from a 2" pot about 3 years ago. I'm in the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California. The bush is about 2' high and 2' wide. Each flower measures about 1.5 to 2" across and has about 30 petals.
Reply #1 of 8 posted 7 MAY 05 by Renee
I'm trying to upload a picture but haven't had success yet. Any suggestions?
Reply #2 of 8 posted 8 MAY 05 by HMF Admin

We believe we have found the problem. Can you please try again. To add a photo to your original post please EDIT that post and "check-mark" the photo upload option and click CONTINUE. Now fill in the upload form and click CONTINUE. You can repeat this process to add more photos. Please be sure to let us know how you make out. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
Reply #3 of 8 posted 8 MAY 05 by Renee
will try again
Reply #4 of 8 posted 8 MAY 05 by Renee
I keep trying but with no success.
Anyother suggestions?
Reply #5 of 8 posted 8 MAY 05 by Renee
Picture posted finally!!
Reply #6 of 8 posted 20 MAY 05 by Renee
I actually found the tag for this rose myself. It is called June Bug.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 21 MAY 05 by HMF Admin
Mystery solved. Thanks for posting. Now you upload you photo to the June Bug rose page !
Reply #8 of 8 posted 23 JUN 05 by Unregistered Guest
I just received a miniature rose "plant" and have only had it for 2 weeks and it is dying!!! Can some one please tell me what to do...for I do not want it to die... thus far, I have kept the soil moist and yet it is not doing has lost almost all it's leaves and even the buds are dying.........please me if you have any suggestions.....but hurry....please
most recent 22 MAY 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 MAY 05 by Renee
I was fortunate to visit the garden this April. Even through the heavy rain these pictures give you a glimpse of whar a special a garden has been created.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 MAY 05 by RoseBlush
Thank you for posting the photos. A lot of hard work by many very caring people made this garden possible. There is an excellent article about the dedication of the garden to Mr. Moore in this month's Ezine...just click on "Ezine" on the navigation bar to the left...written from two different points of view.


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