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Harry Potter
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Orange Meillandina, Cl. rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harry Potter
[Northern Italy, May 2011] Orange Meillandina Gpt. (front) at its second year in a pot in my balcony, exposure East. The treillage lets daylight filter from the other side, so the plant manages to get some Sun in the noon, on the back of the leaves, totaling a full ten hours of lighting every day.
Uploaded 3 JUL 11
Baby Baccara ® rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harry Potter
Northern Italy, exposure South. Planting: November 2009, blooming: May 2010. At her first semester in a pot, she grew preciously little, with only a handful of flowers to show. But, weather was very cold this winter, and the current season is two or three weeks late, with much rain and little Sun. (BUT, by comparison, her "sister" Flame Meillandina, in same position and similar pot, grew three times over, with at least sixteen buds showing right now). Color reproduction is faithful enough, as you can see the red discolors a little into light magenta with time and exposure to light. ---- You can see a larger picture here: http://flickr/photos/43913077@N04/4589002982/sizes/o/
Uploaded 8 MAY 10
Orange Meillandina, Cl. rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harry Potter
[Northern Italy, May 2011] Orange Meillandina Gpt. (side) at its second year in a pot in my balcony, exposure East. The treillage lets daylight filter from the other side, so the plant manages to get some Sun in the noon, on the back of the leaves, totaling a full ten hours of lighting every day.
Uploaded 3 JUL 11
Orange Meillandina, Cl. rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harry Potter
(2010-apr-21) North Italy, first bloom of my Orange Meillandina Gpt. PLEASE NOTE: this represents an early stage, NOT the final form of the bloom - see other pictures here on HelpMeFind.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 24 APR 10
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