HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 MAR 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 MAR 10 by lurkling
finding colors that go well alongside this rose was a little tricky. it needs something to enhance its unusual coloring and not detract from it.

through trial and error, i found that it looks good next to red (RED) roses, real white roses, and plants with purple or blue/purple flowers. bright yellow can work as well, for the adventurous. ;)

i decided on mr. lincoln, mirandy (in this zone, it almost appears to be a hot magenta. which works.), yellow daisies, one of the annuals that has intense blue/violet flowers (forget the name) and med-purple pansies. the garden now looks like a controlled riot of color that pops your eye from one thing to the next and has been getting a ton of comments. :)

i also stuck a Garden Party next to Mr. L on a whim, because GP is such a wonderful, dependable rose that i wanted to try a second bush, especially when it was only $7 at Lowe's. avoid roses that are not solid-colored for planting next to CP, because it really detracts from it. (an orange hibiscus with a magenta throat also resides next to it and looks quite fetching, if you are into those.)

you might also try lavender or mauve roses. if i had one, i would have tried Blueberry Hill, or Barbara Streisand, or any of the more deeply colored purples.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 MAR 21 by Michael Garhart
I imagine it would go well with Tequila Sunrise, Playboy, Love etc.
most recent 1 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 FEB 18 by lurkling
My experience with this rose is that while it had gorgeous globular blooms, fine form, lovely color.... the plant was stingy. Granted, it was kept in a container, so perhaps it does better when planted?

Growth was ungainly long branches that would have been fine if tied off to a trellis or something. (Only 2-3 long canes, not much branging out).

My nose couldn't detect a fragrance.

*In my opinion, Princess de Monaco would be a fair substitute, grows well in a container, and blooms also have that lovely round shape, cream or white color with pink edging. Less stingy also. I really liked Eden's flowers though... when it decided to bother with blooming. ;)
most recent 5 DEC 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 DEC 09 by lurkling
i fell in love with the form of this rose which is both exquisite and elegant. the single blooms rise loftily above the plant in what has to be the most beautifully executed bud form i have ever seen, and could be described as possessing an air of nobility.

i have seen the color range from a pearlescent, pale pink which makes this rose simply breath-taking, to a deeper pink which may appeal to others more than myself. scentless for me, but not for others.

south fl, zone 9b
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 DEC 09 by HMF Admin
Regarding your location and zone information. You'll find you can use your member page to tell us about yourself and your garden (location, zone, etc). That way site guests can click on your member name to learn more about you and put your comments in context with their own garden environment without the need to include it in each post. Just a bit of a time saver if you like. Thanks!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 5 DEC 10 by York Rose
It probably inherits that amazingly beautiful opening bud from Charlotte Armstrong, which also has a breathtakingly beautiful bud (of deep pink).
most recent 14 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 MAR 10 by lurkling
sunita is growing wonderfully and popping out blooms with regularity. there is a new one every several days. :)

the color ranges between Gold Medal yellow, and a sort of peach-toned yellowy orange that is unlike any other rose i have seen. the highlights, or edging, is a sort of pinkish red that varies in intensity. each flower looks different. (but they are so CUTE!) it is lovely how frequently it blooms.

the closest i could describe would be something like a sun-ripened nectarine. it's truly a unique smell, and i cannot resist sniffing the roses over and over. (the most similar to it would be Heaven on Earth, though that one smells like a just-picked peach.)
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