What a beauty! Bought a 2 gallon container and had flowers the size of softballs the first year. Long straight stems make it one of my favorites for cutting (great combined with "Memorial Day" - Woo Woo!) Came out of a Detroit winter with flying colors (the site is sheltered by a west wall). Can't comment on disease or insect resistance - - Sprayed weekly with sulpher because we always have problems with mildew here (on everything!) and didn't have any problems. Still early in the season here, but so far she is full of vim, vigor and lots buds.
Bought plant in a 2 gallon container last year. Color and bloom size were great. Didn't survive the winter very well, however, although other roses that are rated the same in terms of zones came through the winter quite well (Its right in-between a Marilyn Monroe, Moonstone and Memorial Day - all of which came through the winter with flying colors. Who knows, maybe its just that individual plant - but I'm replacing it with a Peace, just in case ;)
I'm here in Detroit - though the site is sheltered by a wall and plants rated through 7b generally survive in that little microclimate.