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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Pamela Temple
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11 MAY 04
I believe we are past peak bloom even thought some roses have not started blooming yet. The weather is just so strange. Interesting how some roses seem to bloom according to day length and some according to warmth. Because of the strange weather I think peak bloom has been altered so that the volume of blooms is not the same as usual. I am atemptong not to fuss about open garden which has been moved up to May 30th.
13 APR 04
The weather forecast is for a week of showers. I only hope it is enough to water the garden and to hold off peak bloom a little. I have changed the date of open garden to may 30th.
The white Lady banks is like a snow mountian and all the warmth loving roses are performing like I\'ve never seen. Yesterday Michael almost finished rocking the pathways of the old vegetable garden which we now call the rose garden This is a mile stone to have it this far transformed.
31 MAR 04
We've had a couple of lightr frosts but the weather remains fairly warm and dry. Many roses have a few flowers open. Black bird have been here for at least three weeks, are busy nesting in the ramblers. Planted today: Full Sail, Pat Austin, Sultry, Lady Fortoviot, Souv. de Mme. Boullet and Alexander. Flora Garden petunias in today. Things are pretty well in hand, but need to finish mulching and there is a lot of clean up in the Green House Garden.
17 MAR 04
It is the most unseasonably warm March that I can remember. Days in the 80s, everything growing swiftly. There are many buds. PomPon de Paris is blooming. Some irisis and tulips are in bloom. The fruit trees and red bud are spectacular.
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