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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 7 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 13 by Meetza
Available from - Petrovic Roses
most recent 20 MAR 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 MAR 13 by jedmar
This is not the Rugosa by Guillot, but 'Mercedes' by Geschwind.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 16 MAR 13 by Jay-Jay
Isn't that rose Mercedes from Geschwind considered as extinct by Erich Unmuth and Andrea Buchmann. That's what I read in Das Rosenjahrbuch 2011. And is written in the description of Geschwind's Mercedes on HMF:
"According to Erich Unmuth, it is questionable whether 'Mercedes' in gardens and in commerce is the original Geschwind rose - see References."
And in one of the references: "(from: Möller’s Deutsche Gärtner-Zeitung 1886, p. 66-67)
…Rud. Geschwind sent us last autumn 13 different climbers under the name „Hungarian Climbers“ to bring into commerce and thus have them tested by roselovers…
Mercedes: Variety of de la Grifferaie, with a similar habit and foliage. Medium size blooms, flat cup form, flesh-pink-lilac, very floriferous, in many clusters, hardy."
Reply #2 of 5 posted 16 MAR 13 by Meetza
This is the plant received from Zvolen as a Guillot Rugosa Mercedes. I received another one Mercedes also from Zvolen as a Multiflora Hybrid. Is there any place where the "real" Mercedes by Guillot can be found ?
Reply #4 of 5 posted 18 MAR 13 by Vladimír Ježovič
Well, it seems we have one rose under two "names".
Reply #5 of 5 posted 18 MAR 13 by jedmar
Would you confirm that you have the "Geschwind"-Mercedes?
Reply #6 of 5 posted 20 MAR 13 by Vladimír Ježovič
We did a verification identity of Geschwind´s roses in arboretum a few years ago.
´Mercedes´ came as identical. It´s similar to the 'De la Grifferaie'. Here: with more full flowers.
Multiflora suggests numerous inflorescences, short sepals, long stem flowers with glands; partially bent out stipules and hairy leaf stalk.
most recent 12 MAR 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 MAR 13 by Grntrz5
Meetza, thank you for posting all those lovely photographs of your roses, hopefully your weather will be good this growing season.
most recent 30 JAN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JAN 13 by Meetza
Available from - Petrovic Roses
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