HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 4 APR 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
Thanks for sharing though!
Reply #1 of 21 posted 21 MAR 16 by Patricia Routley
If any Australian could also take a look at a label, the code name might be on that.
I uploaded a whole bunch of new roses in the Australian market yesterday but it is difficult to find out the code names. We may have the roses listed already under trial garden numbers or other synonyms.
Reply #2 of 21 posted 21 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
Viewing it at 400% magnification, and viewing it at 400% size was not readable at all. The words are too small to scale properly.
Reply #3 of 21 posted 28 MAR 16 by Curdle
Sorry guys- I had a look at my original pic under magnification(enormous file size) and the label doesn't give any codename- just says its rosen tantau and that its "multi award winning"
Reply #4 of 21 posted 28 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
Thanks! I found it online, but there is very little information about it. So this is the end of the line on the info train for now :]
Reply #5 of 21 posted 28 MAR 16 by Jay-Jay
You might call them Yourselves (Rosen Tantau) in Germany and ask them for info. Or the introducer in Australia.
Reply #6 of 21 posted 28 MAR 16 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Jay-Jay. I've just sent RosenTantau an email.
Reply #7 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Patricia Routley
No reply so far.
Reply #8 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Jay-Jay
If You want Patricia, I could call them in German.
Reply #9 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Jay-Jay
Available in Australia and with photo:
Reply #10 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Give me caffeine
Looks nice enough, but whoever came up with the name should be shot. :D
Reply #11 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Jay-Jay. But only if you get free phone calls.....It has won international awards they say.

GMC - yes. With a big banger that goes Per-boomboom. But it is clever marketing and we all get the message that it might have a bit of perfume.
Reply #13 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Jay-Jay
No free calls, but affordable... and enjoyable to do!
Reply #14 of 21 posted 1 APR 16 by Jay-Jay
I contacted Tantau per phone for more info and they promised me to send me an email.
I pointed out HMF and this rose on it.
Reply #12 of 21 posted 31 MAR 16 by Jay-Jay
Reply #15 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Jay-Jay
'Per-Fyoom' is 'Schöne Maid' ( ) , but has now an ®
They enclosed a photo, which I will attach.
"Beautiful Girl" is maybe for some people a more acceptable name than 'Per-Fyoom'.

Rosen Tantau wrote to me per mail:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our Mr. Hartmut Pein informed us that you are interested in the variety Per-Fyoom Rose. We would like to inform you that it is our variety Schöne Maid®. Please see enclosed a digital picture in jpg. format. All rights reserved. Any publication, except the one granted, is subject to prior approval.

The user/publisher undertakes to guarantee that the registered trade name/trademark ® and the company name of Rosen Tantau appears on any publication.

Schöne Maid® is a nostalgic rose with a remarkable fragrance.

The city Baden-Baden made this rose a gift to its honorable citizen and singer Tony Marshall on the occasion of his 70th birthday of which he then named the rose Schöne Maid, after the title of his most successful song. The rose produces many shots and is very vigorous. Already early in the year the rose shows large, full double, shallowly shaped flowers, which later form a quartered cup. Fresh green foliage. Very good second flowering.

A true fragrant rose, which was dedicated to the singer and honorary citizen Toni Marshal from the City of Roses Baden-Baden in Germany.

Label: Duftpreis Baden-Baden 2013

Type Nostalgic-HT

Flower size, open: 10-12 cm

Height: 70-100 com

Fragrance: *****

very intensive HT rose fragrance

Plants per sqm 4-5

Planting density/

Resistance **** mildew

**** black spot

Use: scented garden, HT rose beds, small groups, also suitable for tubs

Characteristics: Perfect also as container. Early flowering. Might be a bit sensitive for frost.

Awards: Best fragrant rose in Baden-Baden 2013, in La Tacita and in Tokio, Best Floribunda in La Tacita, Silver Medal in Tokio,

Best Hybrid Tea in Geneva

For further questions please do not hesitate to contact.

With best regards

For Rosen Tantau KG

Susanne Bramlage



Rosen Tantau KG
Tornescher Weg 13
25436 Uetersen, Germany
Phone: +49 4122 7084
Fax: +49 4122 7087
Registergericht: Pinneberg
Handelsregister-Nr. HRA 506 EL
USt.-ID-Nr.: DE 191120750
Reply #16 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Give me caffeine
Thanks for that Jay-Jay. Almost any name would be better than Per-Fyoom. Names such as that should be reserved for really ugly roses, that are prone to every disease on the planet, and smell terrible.
Reply #21 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Jay-Jay
I can somehow understand why someone would give this rose such a name as Per-Fyoom.... Like 'Ketchup and Mustard' it seems to trigger people... as one can see in this thread.

You might think different, or maybe not, when You hear the hit/Schlager after which it is named:

PS: Is there an Aussie, that feels some urge to ask Knight's Roses to ask them, why they chose this name?
There might be a simple explanation.
Reply #17 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Patricia Routley
It sounded such a special rose that I knew we should already have it listed. And we did. Thank you so much for your trouble Jay-Jay. 'Per-fyoom' is now merged with 'Schöne Maid'.
Reply #18 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Jay-Jay
Will You enter all the other Data? I put it under comments too, so it is in plain sight for every-one.(not only as a comment on this photo)
I will upload that photo at the Photos Tab too
Reply #19 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Patricia Routley
Reply #20 of 21 posted 4 APR 16 by Jay-Jay
Where would HMF be without Your never ending efforts and input!
most recent 31 MAR 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
The name confused me, so I looked it up. Apparently it is popular outside of the US. They are pink and white sweets. Here is what they are made of:


250g sweetened condensed milk
250g icing sugar, sifted, plus extra for dusting
200g dessicated coconut
pink edible food colouring, optional

The name makes more sense now.
Reply #1 of 9 posted 23 MAR 16 by Margaret Furness
Ah, you poor deprived Americans!
Reply #2 of 9 posted 23 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
I know, right? Finally found one fattening thing we don't have! :D
Reply #3 of 9 posted 29 MAR 16 by Curdle
Its traditional to do it in two layers- you use pink colouring on the top layer, and cut it into small blocks when set, so it looks quite ornamental. One of the more appropriate rose names I have seen lately:)
Reply #4 of 9 posted 29 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
Yeah, it made total sense, once I understood what it was. Thanks!
Reply #5 of 9 posted 29 MAR 16 by Patricia Routley
My favourite version has a third layer of chocolate - and hopefully the rose does not brown with age.
My 1962 C.W.A. (Country Womens Association) cookbook says 2 cups sugar, a pinch cream of tartar, half a cup of water or milk, 1 cup coconut, flavouring. Boil 5-10 minutes, beat, and pour on to a wet dish.
Reply #6 of 9 posted 30 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
I'm not a sweet sperson, but it really makes me think about naming roses after other foods.

Whisky River BBQ Burger Rose?

Freedom Fries?

Lemon Sauteed Chicken?

Beef Pepper Steak? :D

teehee :]
Reply #7 of 9 posted 31 MAR 16 by Give me caffeine
Chocolate? On top of coconut ice? Patricia! You barbarian!
Reply #8 of 9 posted 31 MAR 16 by Patricia Routley
Food? – yes, the mind could boggle. I think Sam McGredy IV snaffled a few of the boozy names with his Sherry, Kronenbourg, Arthur Bell, Courvoisier, Mme. Bollinger, Kiskadee, Nobilo’s Chardonnay, Foster’s Wellington/Melbourne cup, and Old Port.
I like Tit-bit for a mini. ( might use that one for one of my ‘Baby Faurax’ seedlings). Then there is Bitter Lemon, for a greenish-yellow, Liquorish – It’s a wonder Sam didn’t grab that one, and Molasses for a really dark black red.

No, not chocolate, Give me caffeine. Cocoa powder as one of the flavoured layers. But I am a bit of a sweet tooth. Now there’s a thought for another of the seedlings…..
Reply #9 of 9 posted 31 MAR 16 by Give me caffeine
Cocoa and coconut ice seems to me to be a bit like prawns and ice cream. Both great in their own right, but not a particularly good combination.
most recent 18 MAR 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 MAR 14 by Curdle
This rose doesnt seem to match the description of an off white, buff or creamy coloured rose..
Reply #1 of 4 posted 18 MAR 14 by Teenoisette
i recived this rose from france as Enchantress
Reply #2 of 4 posted 18 MAR 14 by Patricia Routley
Not the Paul 1896 white 'Enchantress', but possibly the John Cook 1903 deep pink 'Enchantress'.
stuckenbrock - can you move your photo?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 18 MAR 14 by Teenoisette
i don´t know how
Reply #4 of 4 posted 18 MAR 14 by jedmar
Photo reassigned
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