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A Wessex Garden photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Jon_in_Wessex
6 favorite votes.  
Albéric Barbier photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of David Elliott
Keisei Nursery Garden, Tokyo, Japan. June 2012
1 favorite vote.  
A Wessex Garden photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Jon_in_Wessex
20 favorite votes.  
Alchymist photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of koalaa
22 06 2013 Lithuania, my garden.
10 favorite votes.  
A Woodland Rose Garden photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of anonymous-15619
A Woodland Rose Garden in May 2000
8 favorite votes.  
Alden Biesen ® photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Arlekino
"Alden Biesen", "Pillippe Candeloro", "Fleur de Sardaine", сarex, astible, triticum. 27.07.2013. France.
2 favorite votes.  
Adam Messerich photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Eva Trifon
1 favorite vote.  
Alibaba photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of basjak
My garden 2013
7 favorite votes.  
Aïcha photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Hordur
Reykjavik - Island, 2006
1 favorite vote.  
Aloha photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Killahusets tradgard
Aloha in October, together with apples and berries. A rose you never get tired of, when autumn arrives and most of your other garden roses have lost their flowers, Aloha continues to bloom. Killahusets tradgard, 2009. One of the biggest private collections of roses in Sweden. Photo by Mia Grondahl Copyright Mia Grondahl / Killahusets Tradgard 2011
4 favorite votes.  
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