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Playboy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kittyinthegrove
Blooming March, 2017, zone 8b. The plant came from Burlington Nursery a few months ago. This blossom, which opened more of an orangery color, has already been on the plant several days. It truly creates the ambiance of a cheerful "Playboy."
Uploaded 12 MAR 17
Tag-a-long ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kittyinthegrove
05/31/2015 Central Texas Tag-a-long is a sweet rose with very few prickles. The color is white and cherry red.
Uploaded 31 MAY 15
Night rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kittyinthegrove
A beautiful dark red in the winter, in zone 8b it is much lighter in the summer and blows quickly. Still, it's hard not to love the color. Mine has grown thorns, but then in my soil and climate, I can grow thorns on anything.
Uploaded 15 DEC 16
Kittyinthegrove member photo
Member photo courtesy of Kittyinthegrove
05/31/2015 Central Texas Tag-a-Long is a sweet rose with very few prickles. The color is white and cherry red.
Uploaded 31 MAY 15
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