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July 22 2018 my garden near Cleveland, Ohio
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 23 JAN 19 |
August 2017. Pardon the ugly nets, deer, alas! Munstead Wood in foreground in front of Nora Leigh Phlox, with Munstead Wood in the midground in front of Robert Poore Phlox in the distance.
Uploaded 16 FEB 18 |
July 2017 Boscobel in my garden south of Cleveland, Ohio.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 16 FEB 18 |
Benjamin Britten his second year in my garden, 6/27/15.
Uploaded 10 SEP 15 |
July 2017 Boscobel in my garden south of Cleveland, Ohio.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 16 FEB 18 |
Munstead Wood in in its third year in my garden, first flush, 6/7/15.
Uploaded 7 SEP 15 |
Munstead Wood August 2017.
Uploaded 16 FEB 18 |
Windermere cheek-by-jowl with Munstead Wood in my Garden 6/12/15
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 7 SEP 15 |