PhotoDiscussion id : 87-556
Rosabella81 - your photos are on their side. You need to delete them and replace with photos the right way up.
Thank you for your comment - I've uploaded them from my iPad and they are not on the side on the iPad- I don't know how to change that nor why they are turned sideways once uploaded.
Perhaps you are holding the iPad in a landscape instead of portrait orientation when taking the photos? But that is a guess only.
Nope :) not taken in landscape mode. Anyway I will remove them once I have the time.
#4 of 14 posted
31 AUG 15 by
I uploaded hip-photo's for Rosa moyesii 'Geranium'. And they were in the right position, but HMF turned them 90 degrees too.
There is new option on the photo EDIT form allowing you to change the orientation (flip/rotate) of your HMF photos. No need to remove and re-upload anymore. HMF also now uses your camera's "auto-orientation" encoded information when processing your photos.
This is becoming a problem on many websites. There's a bit of an explanation here: http://www.impulseadventure.com/photo/exif-orientation.html
This is probably the most relevant part:
"While your digital camera may include an option to "auto-rotate images" due to the camera's orientation, this is almost always just a "virtual rotation". A flag is set to indicate to the viewing software / LCD preview which way to rotate the image before display, rather than rotating the image content itself."
So if you have auto-rotate enabled on your iStuff, the image will look like it's sorted on the phone or tablet, but when you send it off somewhere else it'll flip back to its real orientation.
In other words, without meaning to be rude, it's 99.9% certain that the images have been taken at the wrong orientation, and you just haven't noticed until after you uploaded them to something that was not your iThing.
Thank you this valuable link as that is EXACTLY the issue. HelpMeFind does not change the orientation of photos uploaded.
I will speak to the support department about the possibility of providing an option to rotate photos once they've been uploaded. In theory, that should be possible.
Thank you again for your input here.
#8 of 14 posted
1 SEP 15 by
In the past, I could upload "manually" on the desk-top computer rotated photo's with no problems at all. They appeared in the way, that they were on my screen. But now they are/were rotated back. I'll delete the photo's and try to upload them again.
Which app are you using to rotate the photos on desktop?
Some very basic apps, like Windows Photo Viewer, won't update the EXIF flag when they rotate an image. Yes, they really are that silly. They are only coded with very basic functionality and were never intended to deal with websites that have to correct for iStuff auto-rotation of images.
So if you rotate an image in Windows Photo Viewer, then transfer the image to a site which reads the EXIF flag, that site will naturally display the image the "right" way up according to its internal coding. Unfortunately, this will be the wrong way up from the point of view of any users of the site.
The way around it is to use a more advanced image editor if you wish to rotate images on your desktop. These will update the image's internal coding so it is correct. Free image editors that will do the job include GIMP, Irfanview, and Photoshop CS2 (an old version that Adobe have made available for free). All of these are easy to use for basic things like image rotation. You don't need to know all the trickery they can get up to. :)
#12 of 14 posted
6 SEP 15 by
Thank You "Give me caffeine". Yes, Windows photoviewer... but in the past that was no problem at all. You can see that at my older photo-contributions. I'll ask my son in law, to advise me about a program, but now HMF has that new feature and most of the photo's I upload, go to HMF.
Yes, it wouldn't have been a problem in that past, because previously HMF wasn't coded to read the relevant flag inside the image. Now that HMF is coded that way, rotating images in Photo Viewer is going to cause problems.
It's a mutually exclusive thing. You can have the website correct for iStuff auto rotation, but then it won't deal with WPV's rotation method. Or you can have a website that ignores the image's internal flag so that you can rotate pics in WPV, but then it won't correct for iStuff auto rotation.
You can't have a website that will do both automatically, as far as I know. So it's likely that some people will still have to rotate some images sometimes after they are uploaded, but since HMF apparently allows this now it should be ok.
And we also now allow for people to easily correct photos that are incorrectly oriented. We will be making the auto-orientate feature optional with the default being on.
We have altered HelpMeFind to use the "auto-orient" information encoded in your photos. This orientation adjustment is done automatically by your camera's software and appropriately encoded into the photo.
We are looking into adding a new feature allowing you to rotate your existing HMF photos but for now you can delete your currently mis-oriented photo and upload it again to have it appear correctly.
#9 of 14 posted
1 SEP 15 by
....And the new adjustment works!!! The hips are now in the right position! Thank You for the quick fix and the alertness of the other members.
PhotoDiscussion id : 87-553
Could this rose be Bonica?