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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 17 OCT 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 OCT 15 by rosegeek
My Julia Child is a blooming machine, she will bloom from March to November in zone 9. The buttery yellow blooms fade to white and the petals can be a chore to clean up. I have her planted in partial shade and she is quite happy there, she also does well in the heat of summer. She is somewhat disease resistant, I have to spray occasionally for BS. As a floribunda she doesn't produce blooms for the vase but rather blooms to enjoy in the garden or walkway, the fragrance is marvelous.
most recent 14 OCT 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 OCT 15 by rosegeek
I live in zone 9, it gets hot in the summer where I live and I have it planted in partial shade. Westerland is very disease resistant and grows tall but the blooms leave a lot to be desired, infrequent blooms that scorch in the heat. The blooms are very fragrant though, they make a good cut flower. I regret buying it for my location, Westerland is better suited along the coast or mountains where the temps don't get above 85F(29C).
most recent 13 OCT 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 OCT 15 by rosegeek
I bought mine as an own root last year, it's definitely a HT. Single blooms on medium length stems, peachy pink blooms that are very fragrant. The buds open slowly but the blooms last about one week even in the heat(zone 9). Mine is about 3' tall so far and should grow to 5'.

UPDATE 3/11/17:
I've had this rose for three years now and have not encountered one incidence of black spot, I have to spray my other roses for BS but Scent-Sation is a no spray variety. This rose is very low maintenance, I highly recommend this rose for novices and experts.
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