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27 FEB 18
Today I am reporting on February 27, 2018 that my roses are cut back for the season, some hurt from the winter freeze - which was an unusually cold one. Despite this cold snap - which took one bush and caused us to cut back a lot on many of them - my roses are putting out new growth - some 4 inches long on all of my hybrids, and DA roses. The climbers are absolutely covered in green. We have had 80 degree weather the last few days with a cool day yesterday and today. My roses are hopefully in for a great year! I am worried about having another cold snap that kills these beautiful light green and red shoots. Also - wondering when to start spraying and fertilizing!
17 APR 16
My roses are all doing well - climbers in various spots in the yard seem to be growing right along. They have trellises or short fences built for them to climb on and now I have the three "other" climbers I decided I just had to have - waiting in their carefully wrapped newspaper pots to be planted by my husband, who digs the holes and has the green thumb in the family. I do not know where I'm going to put them - they are from Antique Rose Emporium and I'm sure very healthy and ready to climb.
Since my husband severely cut back my Lady Banksias of 15 years - this past fall - it has died. Its on our patio reaching up over our pergola. Maybe I will plant one of our roses from this order there - it will climb up and over the pergola just like the banksia - and mix up with the wisteria vine that we use as shade on the pergola all summer long. right now it is blooming.
The other two will have to join others in the edges of the yard - where I diligently spray "Liquid Fence" to hopefully keep the deer away.
We will see.....
6 APR 16
I am ordering Ballerina from AntiqueRoseEmporium along with a few others (Peggy Martin) today!
18 MAR 16
Today our 12 bare root bushes arrived and Mike dug the holes and planted them. Some of the roots were left curving upward - I just read that is a no-no. It could cause suckers!! Oh, well - they are planted and watered, Mike is the planting specialist and I hope he didn't leave too many roots curving a little upward. I had room left over in the garden for about 8 more bushes and I am searching for a few more online right now.

I'm so excited to have them in the ground and hopefully we will see green leaves very soon. Sunday night may get down to around 35 but I really doubt it. We have had such warm weather for the past few weeks. All our pear trees are blooming in the area and we have a dogwood that started blooming yesterday.
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