HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Awesome Blossom
Publication / Article / VideoHennessey On Roses
most recent 7 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 SEP 16 by Awesome Blossom
I was in tears reading about this great person who lived a tough life on his own terms, dying alone.
I find myself in situations of frustration dealing with people who just don't have that rose sense.
I think many people who could be labelled nicely as plant savants are deeply alone on a human level, that's why we choose plants as our subjects and beloveds, and become self didactic prone to prose human mishaps..because we belong in the arms of the plants forever. Thank you for writing about him.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 SEP 16 by Kim Rupert
I'm glad you also enjoyed Jim's article, Rose. I know he would have been pleased. Unfortunately, Mr. Delahanty passed away a few years ago. How fortunate we are his passion lives on here on Help Me Find-Roses!
Publication / Article / VideoI Am NOT An Expert
most recent 7 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 SEP 16 by Awesome Blossom
Kim, how delighted it is to see you here! I love your writing style..and your deep personal dedication to growing roses. After the back and forth about root stock, this article made the logical apparent..that these examples of found roses are on their own roots..duh! Taking cuttings is a waiting game, but worthwhile.
When we see your roses listed?
:) Rose
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 SEP 16 by Kim Rupert
Thank you, Rose! I'm glad you enjoyed the article. There are things in the works. Heirloom has had several of my roses for some time as has RVR. There are more which should appear next season.
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