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19 APR
2024: PRIOR 2022: FREEDOMGARDENS: Emma June, Blush Hip, Brise Parfum, Perennial Blue. LongAgoRoses: Martine Guillot, Flamenco Rosita CPofR: Mme. Anisette, Jude the Obscure,PhloxyBaby, KatarenaZeimet. Gulistan: Bordeaux x2.

2023 alive through winter: AbeDarbyx1, Ghislaine de Feligonde x1, Mel'sHeritage x1, Bordeaux x1, FlamencoRosita x2, EmmaJune x1, MmeAnisette x2, Cinderella x2, DayDream x3BriseParfum x2.
Figs: Violette de Bordeaux x2.

Rootings Died over Winter:NOID, Seafoam x 3, DD x3, EJ x2, JTO x2, Abe x1, MGuillot x1, Bordeaux x1, Cinderella x1, Zaide x1, GdF x3.
7 OCT 23
Oct. 7th, 2023
Prior roses 2022: Lilac bush, Figs x3, Martine Guillot, Flamenco Rosita, Mme Anisette, Bordeaux x 2, Katerina Zeimet x2, Emma June, Blush Hip, Brise Parfum, Jude the Obscure, Perennial Blue, Phloxy Baby.
Not Rooted 2023: Bordeaux, Mels Heritage, Figs x3, ...Violette de Bordeaux x2, Petite Negri x2
Cuttings 2023: Figs Chicago Hardy x3, Orchid x 1, Orchid x 1
NOID Tess x1, Seafoam x 3, Daydream x 5, Mme Anisette x 2, Emma June x 3, Brise Parfum x 2, Jude the Obscure x 2, Abe Darby x 2, Flamenco Rosita x 2, Martine Guillot x 1, NOID Bordeaux x 2, Cinderella x 3,Zaide x 1, Ghislaine de Feligande x 4,Mels Heritage x 1.
4 JAN 23
Jan1,2023: extanct roses and lilac.
Lilac x1, Emma June x1, Brise Parfum x1, Blush Hip x1, NOID JTO or Abe
Flamenco Rosita, Masambay (M. Guillot), Perennial Blue, JTO
Rooted Cuttings:
Katherine Zeimet x2, Bordeaux, NOID Bordeaux, Phloxy Baby, LavDream,
6 AUG 22
8/5: Up-potted LavDream, Quicksilver and Bordeaux. Repotted Blush Hip.
8/9: divided and up-potted bordeaux and up-potted Katherine Zeimet!!! Repotted Flamenco Rosita. Buds on DRW, FR and FinS.8/14: up-potted KZ, LavDream, repotted Brise Parfumee, AD/JTO?, PurpleLodge, up-potted Mamsmaby aka Martine Guillot. 8/15: up-potted KZ x2! 9/05/22: To Dans... 9roses, DRW, MG, PL, EDegas, FR, JTO, AD and Perennial Blue. Cuttings are NOID, Bordeaux, KZ.
9/08/22: Total Cuttings =NOID Compl/KZ/Poseidon, Lavdream x2, Bordeaux x3, KZ x2, phlox x1, NOID x2.
10/24: Dan planted Bordeaux cutting, Purple Lodge, Edgar Degas, Dakota Redwing Fun in the Sun.

6/20 Cuttings: IW: 7:SwampRose. #4: RedFountain, White Groot 1:Poseidon, Outta the Blue.5: NOID rose, probably Cl.America. 7-13: WilliamBaffin, Lavender Dream. #5: Cl. RedCascade, EarthAngel, FirstLight. N.B. Forgot to tag OtherB, therefore some Poseidon are OtheBlue. Same with FirstLight.
6/20: CGofR:#5b: Complicata, Katherina Zeimet #9: WCHRun, YL,#10: HonE,OurAnn. #12: Liebeszauber, Phloxy.14: Poseidon. #15: CurlyPink, RRH, Pompon de Bourgogne.
OwnGarden: BelindasBlush,TheGG, Bordeaux, Nahema, SotR.
© 2025