each time I enter a journal entry, after pressing continue, the entry disappears. how do I get it to be saved? The choices are: continue, delete, cancel.
#1 of 7 posted
13 MAY 17 by
Continue is the right button to press. There are two journal entries from you from yesterday. Are these the ones which disappeared, or had you more?
#2 of 7 posted
14 MAY 17 by
Wow Jedmar. It's nice to know that you read my post. Thank you for that. I think I answered your inquiry about both of my posts disappearing.
I do think that instead of "continue" , and then the post disappears, it would be helpful if it said "send", and then: "your message has been sent." Well, another example of how I don't control the world.
Since my friend had work done on her house, and the rose I have been trying to track down had been cut by the workers, I asked and received permission to take 2 cuttings. I watched "you tube" and learned how to root roses from cuttings, and I did just that! I understand it will take 4-5 weeks to see if they took, but I will check on them weekly, and see what will happen.
Hope spring is beautiful in Switzerland. Cheryl
: )
Did you decide whether to get 'Lupe's Buttons or 'Penelope'?
#4 of 7 posted
15 MAY 17 by
Hi Jedmar, Since I was able to get cuttings from the plant I think is Lupe's Buttons, and I am trying to root the cuttings now. I will wait 5 weeks to see if they took. If not, I will go for Penelope, because it has a more pronounced scent, but otherwise seems similar.
But, looking on line at the gorgeous climbing roses is very tempting.
What roses are you growing?
I have an Eden Rose, and another nameless rose, (a red climber) I got from Walmart. It was supposed to be a yellow rose! Cheryl
#7 of 7 posted
16 MAY 17 by
Cheryl, we are a bit crazy - about 1000 roses in 2 gardens.
#5 of 7 posted
15 MAY 17 by
Hi Andrew, Well how nice to hear from you all the way in Dolton. The weather sounds quite challenging there. I have a son living in Seattle where the weather is also challenging as far as rain is concerned. I live in Southern California, and it is usually very sunny here, so it is a time of rejoicing when we get rain. As a matter of fact, quite unexpectedly, this morning hearing a rather loud rhythmic sound that I couldn't identify at first, discovered that it was the sound of rain I had heard, pouring & pounding like nobody's business! It was absolutely shocking, and so refreshing.
As to the dilemma between Lupe's Buttons & Penelope, I will wait and see if Lupe decides to give me roots, and if so, that will be my choice. If she doesn't, I will send away for Penelope, and maybe a very dark purple climber too. : ) Cheryl
Hello Cheryl,
There is another Pemberton hybrid-musk that is very similar to 'Penelope' a little more compact and pinker but 'Felicia' is also an extremely good rose.
best wishes, Andrew.