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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 3 SEP 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 SEP 20 by gavinj
I have many other petal packed roses without issues, but this one seems to be prone to balling, only a handful of blooms opened for me off two plants. The blooms that did open are beautiful with a strong fruity fragrance. Both are in full sun with no overhead rain or watering, but a coastal fog influence. I haven't seen any signs of disease common in my area- rust or PM.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 3 SEP 23 by connon
I have the exact same experience, except coastal influence rather than a more serious coastal fog. I had no flowers open until the fall flush. Extremely prone to balling in my climate! However, beautiful rust free and powdery mildew free foliage. I can’t speak for black spot since that isn’t something we have in the Los Angeles Basin. The flowers are beautiful, reminds me of Evelyn, and very fragrant.
most recent 3 SEP 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 SEP 22 by connon
Softee just loves the heat! I have mine in all day sun with southern exposure. We are one week into our first triple digit heatwave in Southern California and Softee didn’t break stride. I cut a spray of fresh roses for the vase this morning and the blooms were perfect. Mine gets lots of water because it is in the same drip zone as my annuals and the smart Rachio irrigation controller (gets weather reports from internet) waters annuals every day or every other day in the heat of summer. It blooms in flushes with only about a week pause in between and each flush last about 4 weeks. Very floriferous! Completely thornless. Perfect disease resistant foliage, although we don’t get blackspot, rust and powdery mildew can be problematic. Beautiful mounding shrub. Only thing it lacks is scent.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 3 SEP 22 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
most recent 31 MAY 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 MAY 21 by connon
Gruss an Teplitz is covered in powdery mildew in Inland LA County. Not sure why it is described as resistant to mildew? Even with the mildew, it flowers a lot and looks nice from a distance as a short climber on a cable fence with good air circulation all around and 8-12 hours of sun per day. I have it in a back corner so I rarely see it up close. It’s a nice pop of crimson in the back.
most recent 4 SEP 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 SEP 20 by connon
After 2 years it is 2 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide. Flushes are very quick succession. Prone to mildew in coastal California. Blooms fry in hot dry heat. No scent. Color is a very vibrant red with slight blue undertones. Fade to hot pink slightly when the weather is really hot. When we have heat humidity is very low. Good landscape rose. I also cut sprigs to put in a little bud vase by the kitchen sink and they last at least 5 days.
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