HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
'Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)'  photo
Photo courtesy of Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
Hawaii, United States
MSc in Horticulture
Growing Roses since 2001
Active Hybridizer for Brugmansia since 1998, and an aspiring Hybridizer for Roses.
Own and Operate a 5 acre Sustainable Farm School in Hawaii.
Currently grow approx 215 cultivars, 100% no-spray organic feeding, and own root conversion. Interest in
OGR's for preservation and genetics for future hybrids.

My focus is (in order of importance, though all are very important):
-Fragrance quality & diversity.
-Ability to flourish with own roots.
-Ability to maintain vigor and health without spraying or use of chemicals.
-Remontancy and perpetual blooming for the tropics.
-Resistance to Black Spot, Rust and Mildew in humid and rainy environments.
Very experienced (27 years)
Breeder, Society member, Volunteer or Staff (non-commercial)
Last visit: Tuesday, February 11th

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