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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 10 JAN 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JAN 19 by Conifer_Hill
Rose Listing Omission

Royal Kate

This is a hybrid tea rose from Pan American Nurseries. It seems to be a new rose with very little information available on it and seemingly very few people who grow it. I've only had it for one season and it was planted late in the season but I was very impressed with it. It has a very nice full bush form and put out lots of beautiful blooms. I had a hard time finding any information on the hardiness zone for this rose, I only came across one nursery site that listed is a hardy to zone 5.

Here is the description from Pan Am:
"This elegant rose is a great addition to the Royal family of Pan Am Selects. Masses of fragrant blooms on strong stems makes this variety ideal for bouquets. Easy to grow and extremely disease resistant. Ownroot!"
Height: 1-1.3 m (3-4')
Petals: 40
Fragrance: Strong and fruity
Foliage: Dark, glossy
Reply #1 of 1 posted 10 JAN 19 by Patricia Routley
I would really like to see more information about this rose, such as breeder, date, code name etc.
i seem to remember that roses named after royalty have to be approved by royalty. A rose with very little information on it and grown by few people, doesn’t sound right.
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