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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Diane's Lakeview Rose Garden
Diane's Lakeview Rose Garden
Idaho, United States
I grew my first rose bush many years ago in Michigan. I continued to grow roses over the years, whenever I could, as we moved a number of times, including Michigan, Ohio, South Dakota, and now Idaho. I became more serious with my rose growing in the 1990's when we moved to Idaho and even more so in the 2000's when we moved into a house with a much bigger yard. In 2005, I joined both the Idaho Rose Society and the American Rose Society. I am an active member of our local rose society and exhibit roses at our annual rose show. I've never gotten Queen, though close, as one year i got both King and Princess in the hybrid tea class, and have gotten best of class in several other classes. Currently I am a Certified Consulting Rosarian in the Rocky Mountain District of the American Rose Society. At one time I had 150+ roses, but after retiring, I have continually tried to cut back. Finally in 2023 I reached my goal of under 100 roses. Plus I have a raspberry patch, vegetable garden and grow quite a few perennials, such as day lilies, irises, cone flowers, sea holly, gaura, butterfly milkweed, etc., fruit trees and some annuals.
Very experienced (36 years)
Accredited or certified authority, Society member
Last visit: Sunday, February 23rd

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