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Graham Thomas photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Calif Sue
my garden
4 favorite votes.  
Pat Austin ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of vincen20
Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pa USA
5 favorite votes.  
Intermezzo photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Jean Marion
Beautiful old fashioned form...
3 favorite votes.  
Pretty Lady Rose™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Cori Ann - Norcal hot and dry 9b
Comparing a few dark purple-y pink/red roses that hold their color well, even with lots of heat and sun. In all the photos the aging blooms are toward the back. Younger ones are toward the front, so you can see the amount of fading. It has been very hot here unfortunately, already over 100 for a few days recently. Left to right: Don Juan (it’s red, but it can be dark purple-y red sometimes), Polarnacht rhododendron (not a rose, but gorgeous), Souvenir du Docteur Jamain, Falstaff, Black Baccara, Young Lycidas, Yves Piaget, Pretty Lady Rose.
4 favorite votes.  
Le Petit Prince photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Justin12
Tyler, Tx (4/17/17)
3 favorite votes.  
September Morn photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Barden, Paul
3 favorite votes.  
Love Song photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of helengarden
2 favorite votes.  
Sir Henry Segrave photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of mashamcl
San Jose Heritage Rose Garden, April 2011
4 favorite votes.  
Oshun photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Barden, Paul
6 favorite votes.  
Souvenir du Docteur Jamain photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Cori Ann - Norcal hot and dry 9b
Comparing a few dark purple-y pink/red roses that hold their color well, even with lots of heat and sun. In all the photos the aging blooms are toward the back. Younger ones are toward the front, so you can see the amount of fading. It has been very hot here unfortunately, already over 100 for a few days recently. Left to right: Don Juan (it’s red, but it can be dark purple-y red sometimes), Polarnacht rhododendron (not a rose, but gorgeous), Souvenir du Docteur Jamain, Falstaff, Black Baccara, Young Lycidas, Yves Piaget, Pretty Lady Rose.
5 favorite votes.  
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