HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 15 JAN SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JUL 21 by odinthorBCD
As of time of writing, all the color photos posted are of a very pink rose. 'James Sprunt' should be some shade of crimson.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 14 JUL 21 by Palustris
A quick check in 'The Old Rose Advisor' (by BCD) reveals two descriptions of the color of 'James Sprunt': "Carmine red just the same as its parent. (Cramoisi Superieur)"; and ";Deep cherry red flowers, rich and velvety,";

So it would seem that all the photographs provided by one person, with no provenance given for the rose, are incorrect.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 15 JAN by odinthor
Much to my surprise, I have found one description of 'James Sprunt' which imbibes no shade of red: "Bright salmon; valuable as a pillar rose." Ferry-Morse Seed Company catalog, 1883, p. 125. My guess is that Ferry-Morse's supplier got some roses mixed up; but . . . who knows?
most recent 2 AUG 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 20 by odinthorBCD
There is a typo in the "References" section. In the quote attributed to The Old Rose Adventurer, the HMF quotation from the book states, in part, "that firm did not exist in 1819." Actually, the book states "that firm did not exist in 1849."
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 AUG 20 by jedmar
Corrected, thank you for the heads up!
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