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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 19 AUG 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 AUG 20 by AngelaSusan
I planted two Crepuscule on a wire fence about seven years ago in a temperate, coastal location in NSW, Australia. I was a bit nervous that she might be a martyr to black spot as so many roses with yellowish flowers seem to be in humid climates but this is the most generous, undemanding rose imaginable. I was watching the Melbourne Cup many years ago and was particularly entranced by the hedge of apricot-coloured roses running alongside the straight - it was completely smothered in small apricot roses and I thought I have to have one - so I rang the racecourse and was told it was Crepuscule. She flowers reliably in enormous flushes, the petals drop cleanly so you aren’t confronted by a mass of brownish decaying petals on the bush and the flowers are a richer colour in cool weather (can be a soft orange but never garish) but even in mid-summer the flowers are a beautiful mix of apricot, butter yellow and cream. The fragrance is not spectacular but the health, generosity and tolerance of this rose more than outweigh that minor defect. You can hard prune her (as in the very tidy Flemington hedge) or you can allow her her head as I do - resulting in a large mounding shrub two to three metres high and the same wide. Every couple of years I crawl in under her and give her a good cleaning-out prune - removing dead wood and bring it all back to a good healthy framework. A highly recommended, disease free, tough, healthy rose that is rarely without a flower in our climate and is covered with a profusion several times a year.
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