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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 6 MAY 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 MAY 23 by ATranquilGarden
Insanely vigorous! I'm growing this as a climber in Upstate South Carolina, on the edge of zones 7 and 8. There is plenty of black spot in my humid garden, but none of it touches this rose, or most of my other Kordes roses. Madame Anisette throws up big basal canes and gobs of buds. I've only had it in the ground for two years and the longest cane is probably 10 feet. The flowers are very fragrant (licorice, which I'm not crazy about), and they look like huge, fluffy, creamy cupcakes. They last quite a while on the plant and make great cut flowers. Some buds have balled in wet weather, but there are so many that it hardly matters. I'm going to be swapping out some unhealthy roses in my garden for more Kordes!
most recent 4 SEP 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 SEP 21 by ATranquilGarden
As an own root, this rose is very vigorous and healthy for me. I've had it about a year, planted it in one location last fall, and then decided to move it a few months later. After a few months of settling into its new location, it has grown canes about four feet tall and currently has two new basal canes coming up. It put out about five flowers this summer, which were all lovely and perfectly formed. And it has zero black spot in my humid South Carolina garden where almost everything has black spot. It's a great garden plant!
most recent 7 JUL 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUL 21 by ATranquilGarden
Sun is at a premium in my garden. Would this rose work in 3-4 hours of direct sun, or does it really need a full 6 to 8 hours? I'm in upstate South Carolina. Thank you!
most recent 7 JUL 21 HIDE POSTS
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