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Göinge member photo
Member photo courtesy of Göinge
Blush Noisette
Uploaded 26 JUL 21
Tom Wood rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Göinge
Southern Sweden, 8 July 2021 Blooms look great in a vase and on the bush.
Uploaded 26 JUL 21
The Poet's Wife ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Göinge
Southern Sweden, 2 July 2021 Some of the blooms flop onto the ground, which we cut instead of stake. It's just fine because there are plenty of them and they are beautiful in a vase.
Uploaded 26 JUL 21
Bienenweide Rosa rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Göinge
Southern Sweden, 27 June 2021 First blossoms of the first flush. Planted from a container about a month earlier. The color is much more vibrant than it appears in the photo.
Uploaded 26 JUL 21
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