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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Seaside Rooftop
most recent 2 JAN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JAN by Seaside Rooftop
I unfortunately had to get rid of this one. It's a very nice rose, but absolutely hated the heat. The leaves were left blackened, as if charbroiled, two summers in a row.
I was very sad to part with it. The blooms are beautiful and have great fragrance, and petal thickness is quite nice for a rugosa. It bloomed mainly in spring and then again in the fall but less.
The leaves on this rose are very large. A lot more than other rugosas.
most recent 6 JUN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JUN by Seaside Rooftop
Added this rose a few months ago from Rosenschule Ruf, so I can't say much about it yet, except: Susceptible to powdery mildew.
most recent 24 APR SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 APR 23 by Seaside Rooftop
Second year update: This spring has been a disaster for Chios. Every single bloom from the spring flush has balled or been bull-nosed, and the plant is a mildew factory. I have been spraying weekly with a milk/potassium bicarbonate solution to try to keep it under control, but the mildew seems tenacious on this one.
I really thought a rose from a Greek island would have done better than this here in another Mediterranean island. Weather this spring has been rather less rainy than normal, although still humid air, but again I didn't think air humidity would be a problem for a rose from a Greek island.
I will continue to hope for an improvement since Chios is so lovely when it's good.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 APR 23 by Steliosem06
Hello, greek here as well, im in crete. This rose is my best performer. The leaves are spotless, and its full of buds. Some are about to bloom, might even be open tomorrow. Now, I didnt know what balling is, and I searched it, some of these symptoms do appear, so im kind of worried now. Some of the outer petals on the blooms are brownish, thats the main symptom im seeing in my plant.

But I think itll be fine, ill post pictures if they opens tomorrow or whenever they open. I will also comment here again and inform you about what's going on.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 24 APR by Seaside Rooftop
I hope Chios is doing well for you.
One year later she's absolutely wonderful here in Malta. I guess 2023 was just a bad year for her, and also perhaps a bit my fault.
This time I didn't prune her as hard as before, and made sure to give her LOTS of water, and she has been perfect.
most recent 26 MAR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 MAR by Seaside Rooftop
One year review:
This has been a good rose here so far. I was a bit sad to see the 1888 reference call it "worthless". Perhaps they say that because the foliage is barely rugose?
It handles the heat very well for a rugosa. No disease here. Fragrance is very good. It bloomed in three good flushes last year. Vigor is good, and it doesn't mind a good hard prune, so looks like it can be kept a manageable size. Hasn't set any hips here.
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