I do have "Si" and would trade a few cuttungs anyone out there has any "Oui"'s!...lol please!!!! My Si is so lonely...lol
JACster x Golden Times. I don't say it isn't possible, because I don't know, but how does that cross produce green color? Or the petal configuration? The photo from Amiroses looks like a green version of Ralph Moore's 'Wedding Cake'.
Looking at the "Wedding Cake" rose" is why
Hello, I think I posted a comment on your Facebook page. I am also a member on the HelpMeFind Rose group website. Did you find the Dr JH Nicholas Rose? I know you said you thought you may be growing one. If you dont have it, its ok, just let me know.
Thank you. If you have one growing and can give me a cutting maybe that would be ok. I can grow my own. I live in Florida not too far from you.
Thank you, Chuck Storey
Chuck, I lost the young one I had rooted. I can custom propagate one for you. Send me an email @ gardenangel22@gmail.com and I can send you my custom propagation speech. I am not too good on Facebook, Look forward to hearing from you, pam