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Amber photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Sue Taylor
Harrogate flower show exhibit, Yorkshire UK. June 2020
1 favorite vote.  
C. macropetala 'Eximia' photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Sue Taylor
Cowell's garden centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne UK April 13, 2022.
1 favorite vote.  
C. alpina 'Pink Flamingo' photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Camilla's Garden
Photo taken in my garden in Norway 30/4-08
3 favorite votes.  
Pamela Jackman photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Sue Taylor
Cowell's garden centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne UK April 13, 2022.
1 favorite vote.  
C. flammula 'Rubromarginata' photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of orsola
Poland. In my garden JUL 2014
2 favorite votes.  
Polish Spirit photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
25 APRIL 09
1 favorite vote.  
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