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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 JAN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JAN by SpringerGreen
Any chance you offer opportunities for cuttings? You have a couple rare Brownell roses I am trying to add to my collection. I can be reach thru my e-mail Thank you in advance for your time. I hope to hear from you.
Michael J. pollack.
most recent 29 DEC SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 APR 23 by SpringerGreen
I recently purchased Lavender Crush bare root. I want to use it off of the front of my deck to “climb” along the hand rail. However, where I need to plant it it is a tight fit between Darcy Bussell and Royal Kate. Could I squeeze it in there and just keep it pruned down low away from the others and let it climb out over the top? I am in Zone 5b.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 DEC by Benaminh
Lavender Crush doesn’t “climb” in the typical sense, unlike Tess d’U which flops sideways without support. On my 5yr old plants, they grow straight upward to 6ft and form buds on the final 7th foot — blooming at the tips. Plant width is about 2-3 feet. They would probably have more side shoots and flowers if I trained the canes horizontally, but it’s difficult due to their stiffness. On the plus side, the canes aren’t very thorny: some are smooth, some are fully covered, while others only have hooked thorns 1/3 of the length up. My 3” flowers are consistently slate gray in color and form an abundance of 3/4” round, blood orange colored hips for a pretty winter display. BTW, I’m on alkaline clay soil north of San Francisco and don’t spray, my five LC plants are budded and are practically no maintenance.
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