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Home rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
Photo taken 09/19/2024 public rosegarden Germany Ulm
Uploaded 10 days ago
Jennifer Rose rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
photo date 07/02/24, temperatures about 15 degrees C, max. rarely 22 •C over the last months; blooms last very long on the bush- even the extremly old ones - from fully coloured bud to shatter about 18 days and more (I mostly have to take them off- though some fall apart on their own; plant was protected from the daily rain we had - so no flower damage due to rain; colour changes whilst aging from very bright pink to a lilac mauve shading; before it is really done- there is a silvery egding on the petals, that highlights the edges of the petals and gives the flower a touch of cool lilac (this is best seen from the reverse).
Uploaded 2 JUL
Artemis rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
photo taken today, hints of yellow on new buds, hints of rosé on older ones after low temperatures (10-20 degree C) and daily rain, that we had whole spring until now
Uploaded 5 JUL
Pink Babyflor rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
Photo taken 06/17/23 rose market
Uploaded 28 JUN
Jennifer Rose rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
photo taken 06/19/24; plant in the selling container; older flowers with silvery edging on the petals; the three flowers seen on 1 p.m. are fresher opened compared to the other flowers
Uploaded 2 JUL
Pink Babyflor rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
Photo taken on market 06/17/24
Uploaded 28 JUN
Jennifer Rose rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
photo taken 07/02/24 ; new flower : very bright pink - aged one: lilac mauve (silvery edging on the outside; even better seen from the reverse); for me both colours on the bush at the same time, because flowers stay on the bush for about 18 days and new buds are opening within (we had very cool temperatures during rose season)
Uploaded 2 JUL
Artemis rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
back: Artemis front: Olivia Rose Austin
Uploaded 27 JUN
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