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Yesterday I spread a lot of mulch that I got from the tree guys. I'm feeling the aftereffects today! But the garden looks more inviting. Lots of room for new plants.
I'm not quite sure how I'm going to set this garden up. Along with a bunch of other plants, 2e've got 2 Penelopes, 3 Autumn Damasks, and a Teresa Bugnet. I have about 7 gallica-type roses from St. John's cemetery, from various little baby roses that were suckering here and there. These two roses were growing inside of a daylily. If that daylily had not been protecting them, they would not exist now.
The lawn mower and the weed eater are the main deciders of landscaping, because if something is in the mowing path it will be mowed down; if something is in the weed eater’s path it will get cut down. If you're a rose you're not going to survive the mower or the weed eater.
I have been looking for roses in all these local cemeteries and I have not found very many. I found one in a Maryville cemetery. I found the two at St. John's, and about 6 here in the Savannah cemetery. There's a cemetery up in Nodaway County called Rose Hill, Because Once Upon a time there were a ton of roses up there. I walked all over that place recently. There are no roses on Rose Hill. Lots of peonies. But no roses. It’s discouraging.
So at any rate I have the six or seven gallicas, so I'm going to plant out in these new garden beds. I am gathering various starts from the Savannah cemetery and hopefully next year we'll have some nice little baby roses that will be added. Aunt Candy has a bunch of roses that she gathered around from Nodaway back in the day. I need to go see her anyway, and get starts from all these roses.
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