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Twilight Zone rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Twilight zone, first year plant. Bought from Heirloom roses, planted on March 13th 2024, bloomed on April 13th, 2024. NE of San Antonio, Tx, zone 9a.
Uploaded 15 APR
Bliss Parfuma rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Bliss Parfuma, planted bare root 2023, now in its second year, much fuller blooms. Facing eastward behind a shed, gets morning light and afternoon shade. Small habit at this time. Blooms are around 3.5-4 inches wide when fully opened. Mild fragrance for me.
Uploaded 15 APR
Twilight Zone rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Twilight zone, first year plant. Bought from Heirloom roses, planted on March 13th 2024, bloomed on April 13th, 2024. NE of San Antonio, Tx, zone 9a.
Uploaded 15 APR
Carding Mill ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Carding mill, maiden bloom, planted bare root 2/28/24 and bloomed 6 weeks 2 days later. My garden is NE of San Antonio, Tx. Plant is facing south west. Alkaline clay blackland prairie soil.
Uploaded 15 APR
Bliss Parfuma rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Bliss Parfuma, planted bare root 2023, now in its second year, much fuller blooms. Facing eastward behind a shed, gets morning light and afternoon shade. Small habit at this time. Blooms are around 3.5-4 inches wide when fully opened. Mild fragrance for me.
Uploaded 15 APR
Carding Mill ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Carding mill, maiden bloom, planted bare root 2/28/24 and bloomed 6 weeks 2 days later. My garden is NE of San Antonio, Tx. Plant is facing south west. Alkaline clay blackland prairie soil.
Uploaded 15 APR
Bliss Parfuma rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Bliss Parfuma, planted bare root 2023, now in its second year, much fuller blooms. Facing eastward behind a shed, gets morning light and afternoon shade. Small habit at this time. Blooms are around 3.5-4 inches wide when fully opened. Mild fragrance for me.
Uploaded 15 APR
Green_echo_gardens member photo
Member photo courtesy of Green_echo_gardens
Bathsheba, second year first flush
Uploaded 15 APR
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