HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Bob Bauer
'Circus (floribunda, Swim 1954)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Bob Bauer's Salt Lake City Rose Garden
Bob Bauer
Utah, United States
Bob Bauer aka Robert C. Bauer lives in Salt Lake City, Utah and has been a serious devotee of the rose for the last 15 years. He has 520 varieties of roses in his 1/2 acre rose garden and regularly invites the public in to visit and see it. He is also a regular lecturer on rose varieties and rose history in his regional area. He is a member of the Utah Rose Society and also runs their website:

Bob runs one of the most visited Rose Gardening Specific web sites in the world: He has written numerous articles and summaries about most topics regarding the home garden growing of roses.

Bob is also a professional photographer and maintains a database of photographs of over 2500 varieties of roses from which he licenses usage to various magazines, catalogues and rose nurseries and producers.

He has had covers of both the ARS magazine and the Royal National Rose Society publications.
Very experienced (46 years)
Author, Photographer, Society member
Last visit: More than a year ago

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