Initial post
23 JUN 04 by
It is not surprising that The Squire is not well known. It is a poor grower, sparse of foliage and subject to disease eg blackspot. While the flowers are lovely (it's not free-flowering) they do not make up for its other shortcomings. Intensive cossetting has not improved its performance and I do not recommend trying it. If you want a smaller, red-flowered Austin, try Prospero.
#1 of 1 posted
9 APR 09 by
Prospero is not comparable to The Squire. Prospero's form is more rosette and the color borders on cerise/violet. The other closest David Austin variety would be Tradescant, however, it is a much more vigorous plant and the flower form is not as elegant. There is an older Hybrid Tea available that is more floriferous and has similar flowers called 'Will Rogers.' Unfortunately, it is lacking in scent. Nothing quite matches the beauty of a well formed bloom from The Squire. The single bush is ugly, but plant two together, or three a foot apart in a triangle and it is less noticeable.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
I have heard that David Austin roses bred before 1990 have more trouble with disease. Is this true of The Nun- I have just ordered her, and I live in zone 6 and do not spray. Does anyone know if I am going to have problems with this rose? I have done some internet research and I can't find much info on her. Thanks!
#1 of 2 posted
15 JUL 04 by
I don't think it's true that early Austins are more subject to disease but by the same token, I don't think that Austin roses generally are as disease-free as the raiser would like to hope.
I do not usually spray any of my roses and have grown The Nun for a number of years. I haven't noticed anything other than mild blackspot in some years (my climate may be colder though).
#2 of 2 posted
7 APR 06 by
Unregistered Guest
Where can I go to get THE NUN ?? I've been trying for several years, waiting to hear from these vendors who keep promising it . . . Could you be so kind to let me know who might have it?? Also, can this rose be grown from a cutting?? Thanks, K Haas of Silicon Valley