I've had this rose for almost 6 years and she is absolutely gorgeous. She consistently blooms in early spring and has at least 20 to 30 blooms going from late March to early June.
Hi, I just bought an Elmhurst rose in a 4 inch pot. How big does this rose get? thanks
#2 of 3 posted
6 JAN 06 by
Mine I keep to 6 1/2 feet high or less. I keep the width to 3 1/2 feet. It has lots of bloom - often about 40 blooms on. I can cut some for friends a few times a week and still have lots on the bush.
#3 of 3 posted
26 JAN 07 by
Gorgeous is an accurate description. We really like Elmhurst too.
I just bought this rose in a 6 inch pot. I potted it up and have been really taking good care of it. I notice it is always a little droopy even when the soil is moist. Also, it will get some new growth but then the new growth dries up and dies. Does anyone who grows this rose have problems with it? Or is it me? thanks