Hi, I'm getting a site request almost every day from probably the same person. They're anonymous, so I can't contact them directly. Anyway, they've been asking about the same 5 roses since the middle of last year, and I get the requests a few times a week, sometimes every day! I'm not sure what to do about it, but I wish there were some way to at least send them an e-mail or notice that our inventory will not be added to until the next year, or something.
Also, I've got two requests that are blank, and I have no way of getting rid of them.
--Ron Robertson Garden Valley Ranch
Can you forward these emails to support-at-helpmefind.com (replace -at- with @).
This should not be happening and we will correct it immediately. We apologize for the inconvenience and await your email.
Hi there, do you want the e-mail notification that I get from you? It doesn't actually have anything other than that someone has a request, which is fine. It's just that I'd like to be able to respond to the person who keeps asking me the same thing over and over, even if it's kept anonymous on their end.
Yes, please forward any email you have received from HMF regarding this.
We have corrected these issues and the support department will contact you privately.
If you could, please send us one of more of these repeat site requests from this member - it sounds like someone is abusing the request system ?
Next time I get one, I'll send it to you. I don't think their intention is abusive, I just think they think our inventory changes all the time, but doesn't. I wish there were a way to send them further information when I respond, a comments field would be good. I don't have to know who they are, and they can remain anonymous, but sometimes more than a simple click of yes or no is needed, so a comment would be good to save everyone extra trouble.
That sounds like a very good suggestion, we'll add it to our enhancement list.
We have identified and corrected the problem with site guests sending blank plant availability requests.