Rosengaertchen am Hexenhaus
Hi there, I think this rose is Charles Austin (my favourite one), if you wanna, pls check it with mine pictures here:
If you check on my comment-tab, my "Charles Austins" are much yellower - I have two of them, planted in 2 different spots, and both of them show less pink and more yellow, than the crown princess and as my teasing georgia, which is the yellowest one of the three ...
Does this rose set hips, when the flowers are left uncut (like her mother) - and if yes, what color are they?
Hello, I stumble across your well versed comments repeatedly, hence I dare post you a comment. I do have a few roses, of whom I do not know, who they are. As your have a Bleu Magenta, could you possibly tell me, if this could be a Belu Maganta too? It was bought as a Colonial white (not Sombreuil but the Wichuriana hybrid by Captain G. Thomas), bare rootedly and with no leafs. When the leafs came I was surprised they were so different from what I had expected (rather small, glossy), and when the flowers opened, I knew for sure it was something else. Where I bought it, people guessed it might be Veilchenblau. Growth habit (1,55 m in onle few months - planted in March this year!) and foliage however tell me that this cannot be true either. I'd really appreciate your help ... and if you do not feel too much annoyed, I'd love to ask you about my other "rose riddles" too .. Best Regards from Northern Germany
#1 of 5 posted
25 JUN 11 by
Hallo Rosengärtchen Deine Rose könnte 'Bleu Magenta' sein. Deine Photos sind etwas zu lila, aber das ist evtl wegen dem Photoapparat. Blume, Blätter und die drüsen am Blumenstiel sind ähnlich. Hast Du mit den Bildern von jedmar verglichen? Die Nebenblätter von BM haben lange Fransen und auch die Blattstiele haben einige Fransen.
vielen herzlichen Dank!!! Sowie ich wieder zuhause bin, werde ich die Blätter auf Fransen untersuchen! herzlichst Rosengärtchen ...
Guten Abend - ich weiß nicht, ob meine letzte Antwort überhaupt auf den Weg ging, es gab Verbindungsprobleme mit dem Internet - Fransen!!! Viele Fransen ... also werde ich die fleißige Dame in Zukunft mit "Bleu Magenta" ansprechen! Vielen herzlichen Dank noch einmal! E. Nitsche
I regret I can't help you with your mystery rose, but I am quite intrigued by your comments about 'Sombreuil', AKA 'Colonial White', whose origin remains a mystery even now.
Do you know of records, oral history or private communication that would suggest that this rose is one of Capt. Thomas's creations? It wouldn't surprise me; he did produce some excellent roses, but I was not aware that any such origin had been documented.
Good evening, the information I posted was given to me on a handwritten label coming with the roses when I bought them. A very similar information is found here: however this page is in german. The table though might be understandable for an anglophone reader too.
My Ilse Krohn Superior certainly repeats - although first bloom is most amazing
#1 of 7 posted
20 JUN 11 by
Yes, Ilse Krohn Superior from 1964 does repeat. It is a sport from the onceflowering Ilse Krohn from 1957.
Hi, thanks! I knew it was a sport from Ilse Krohn - however it seems, as if the repeat flowering in questioened by some! have a wonderful day! Esther
#3 of 7 posted
21 JUN 11 by
Hallo Esther, or other German speakers. Reply today from the Kordes team to a question from a Danish woman about whom the rose was named for:
Frau Ilse Krohn war die damalige Sekretärin und Büroleiterin von Herrn Reimer Kordes, das war in den 50 er Jahren. Er war anscheinend sehr beeindruckt und hat diese Rose nach ihr benannt. Beste Grüße
Ihr Kordes-Rosen Team
Good evening .. .thanks for the charming detail ... this little story leaves lots of room for fantasy :-) wishing a nice evening Esther
Can you tell me if 'Ilse Krohn Superior' repeates in flushes or ocassionally later in the season as we have listed the bloom cycle on the rose page ?
Smiles, Lyn
#6 of 7 posted
22 JUN 11 by
'Ilse Krohn Superior' has quite a good repeat throughout the season.
Thank you, Jedmar....
One more error corrected.
Smiles, Lyn