Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
I have a Madame Plantier Rose that is appromixately 5' tall and has no buds. It gets full sun and I keep the soil moist. My other roses are blooming and have been since June. This rose was planted at the same time. I am stymied becases I can't figure out why it isn't blooming. I also have been fertilizing with Schultz bloom pus (10-60-10). Please could you give me a suggestion on what to do,
As I understand them, Mme Plantier roses like partial shade. I've even seen one site mention they like dappled shade.
#2 of 7 posted
15 MAR 15 by
Mine does fine when in pretty deep shade, but its colony of PM also thrives. PM pressure here is intense, and it's probably a different strain than what most of you have, but depending on where you live, you might want to leave it in a pot at the intended location for a while, and see whether it stays healthy.
#3 of 7 posted
26 MAR by
Can you explain what PM means? PM pressure? Thank you. I am deciding on a spot to plant Mme Plantier.
Probably powdery mildew. I wonder if the OP ever got her rose bush to bloom.
#5 of 7 posted
26 MAR by
Thank you! Makes total sense, fortunately I do not have that problem but suffer from RRD….rose rosette disease. Ugh.
#6 of 7 posted
27 MAR by
Lee H.
I do hope that you are destroying (best by fire) any specimens you discover with the disease. You probably know it is incurable, and contagious to other roses.
#7 of 7 posted
27 MAR by
Yes, I am unfortunately aware of that. My roses are just beginning to break dormancy and so far so good. Too early to tell yet though.
We purchased a container rose marked "Tropicana" from the local nursery; however, its blooms are white with a strong dark pink-to-red edge, not the orangey color that all my books and websites show is appropriate for Tropicana. The nursery insists it is Tropicana. Is it possible that this rose could come out white with dark pink edges? Or are the nursery people really confused? (It looks like the helpmefind.com pictures of Donna Darlin'.)
Thank you.
#1 of 1 posted
24 JUN 04 by
Wow, I checked out helpmefind.com pictures of Donna Darlin' and it really doesn't look like the Tropicana rose I have.
If the nursery does not grow it's own roses, it's possible that the grower has mixed up the tags and was shipped with the incorrect information.
If the nursery does do it's own raising, it's possible that the tag was replaced incorrectly by a customer or employee.
In either case, if the color is a problem with your garden, I'd take pictures of your bush to bring (along with some reference material) showing him how different they look.
Good luck and I hope things work out for you!