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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Joseph Baiocchi
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30 OCT 20
2019 was kind of a rebuilding year for this plant. It was woefully in need of re-potting, When I pulled out the plant to put it in the ground the roots were wound up around the pot with almost no soil remaining. I cut it way back on the top and bottom, planted it in my new bed and hoped for the best.

It threw up some long canes that first year (as is its habit) which I tied up to a wire frame. I really expected it to take to take off this year. It did put a couple more canes, but blooming was very sparse. It produces wonderful LARGE fragrant blooms, but is rather stingy.

I gave it very good care - especially during the 2020 season - but grubs infested the bed and almost all the roses planted there have not really gotten their legs. The nematodes have finally gotten ramped up and the plants are leafing out. I'll apply again in spring just to be sure. Hopefully I'll get a good bloom next year. This one get's one more year. If id does not dramatically improve it will be culled.

I does set seed pretty freely. Hopefully between this year and next I'll get something out of it.

Does not seem to be overly bothered with blackspot. It gets it ocassionally, but drops the damaged leaves and grows more.

Note: Culled 2021. Never really recoverd from the move to the new bed.
5 MAR 20
February 25

Planted out the following bare roots from Edmunds Roses
Diamond Eyes
Eyeconic Mango Lemonade
Happy Trails
Lotty's Love
Rock And Roll

Eyeconic Mango Lemonade and Happy Trails were planted out to a large cinder block planter.
Lotty's Love went into a 5 gal - will likely need repotting in the fall.
Diamond Eyes went into a 5 gal
Rock and Roll went into a tall 10 gal
5 MAR 20
February 27
Planted out the following from Rogue Valley

Bride's Dream
Diablo Hawk

Diablo Hawk did not transplant well. I had hydrated the plants the day before, but planting mix in that pot had tons of clay in it and would not drain. Attempting to remove it for transplanting, the root area broke off because the mix at the bottom was so sticky. Not sure this one will survive. The other two came in reasonable media that was easily transplanted. I've ordered from these guys before and this was the only plant from them that has come this way - have to think this was a one-off.
5 MAR 20
March 1 2020
Peletized azalea food worked in on all but new seedlings. Miracle Grow Rose food for all. Half strength on seedlings.
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