I am trying to locate a source for a miniflora rose "something for judy". My wife wants to plant it as a living memorial to a dear departed friend. If you know a source please e-mail me at jonathanchinn@hotmail.com
I contacted the patent owner and haven't heard back from her. Right now, I only have two suggestions for you. If you can, call Greenheart Farms at 805-481-2234 as they may still have a few plants on the bench, but not enough to list the rose as available. They purchased Tiny Petals, the nursery founded by Dee Bennett, the breeder of the rose. A second option is to contact Burlington Rose Nursery (http://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=17.18773). They carry many of the roses from Greenheart Farms and have a working business relationship and may be able to help you.
I think it is a fine rose and worth the effort to get a plant. I am sorry for the loss of a dear friend and hope you can get the rose for a living memorial.
Smiles, Lyn
I have been trying to locate a retail source for minflora "something for judy". My wife wants to plant this as a living memorial to a dear departed friend. If you know a source please e-mail me at jonathanchinn@hotmail.com
I have been trying to find a retail souce for miniflora "something for judy". My wife wishes to purchase and plant it as a living memorial to a dearly departed friend. If you know of a retail source please e-mail me at jonathanchinn@hotmail.com
I am trying to locate a source for a miniflora rose "something for judy". My wife wants to plant it as a living memorial to a dear departed friend. If you know of a source please e-mail me at jonathanchinn@hotmail.com
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2 SEP 11 by
I'm sorry, Jon, but I don't know of any current source for that rose. I bought mine from Nor'East before it stopped being a retail nursery. You might try contacting Nor'East to see whether they still carry the rose and have sent any to a retail dealer in a location convenient for you.