HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Gregg Lowery
Publication / Article / VideoA Tribute To Mel Hulse
most recent 13 FEB 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 FEB 08 by Gregg Lowery
Farewell, dear friend!

I suppose that I knew Mel's age—he was proud that the withering of his joints hadn't slowed his enthusiasm for life. To me he was twenty-something, always talking about next year, about the bud-wood to come and the roses to plant and the roses to prune and the gatherings and the roses next spring. He followed his passions, always embarking on life, always seeing the potential. Even the tortured hulk of a dying rose bush spoke life to Mel—surely one of those little growth buds holds the Phoenix of a glorious new plant!

And each of us to Mel was like that button of growth—full of glorious potential, full of roses that he admired, cared about, and wanted to cultivate. Each of us who knew him felt we had a gardener for life, and for a moment knew what it is to be a rose.

Farewell, dear friend. I won't give up on the Secret Garden Musk; you taught me to love it. I won't quit planting and pruning and rooting and sharing, and looking to see the potential in every face I meet; you've taught me to care. I won't be feeble in my passions or faint in my praises; you've shown me the path of life. And, though I know how busy you'll be, I'll always be waiting for your email from heaven.
most recent 8 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 MAY 07 by Gregg Lowery
I must recamp on my first comment. We did not receive Tina Marie, but from Barbara Worl, who was the original source for Grandmother's Hat. I do not know how Barbara came by this.
Gregg Lowery
most recent 28 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 AUG 06 by Gregg Lowery
I wonder if the photo currently represented for this rose is in fact a photo of another Multiflora hybrid, Gräfin Chotek from the rose breeder Kiese. introduced in 1910. The reference sited in Dickerson's Old Rose Adventurer describes the red rose which I have grown from Sangerhausen, and refers to this other rose named in honor of Marie Henriette Chotek.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 AUG 06 by RoseBlush


We are researching your question and will contact the user who uploaded the photo, too.  With the information we currently have found, you are correct, the user may have uploaded the photo to the wrong rose page.  Thanks for the heads-up.



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