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Gregg Lowery
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The Friends of Vintage Roses Collection garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Spring storm in the old rose garden
Uploaded 21 DEC 20
Gregg Lowery member photo
Member photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Gregg and Lulu
2 favorite votes.  
Uploaded 29 MAR 09
The Friends of Vintage Roses Collection garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Old Rose Garden center with new 'wickets' and Swane's Golden Italian cypress
Uploaded 21 DEC 20
Madame Jules Thibaud rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness of South Australia of 'buttonhole roses'. L to R top: Ravensworth, Perle d'Or, Mme Jules Thibaud (Perle d'Or & 2 sports) L to R bottom: White Cécile Brunner, Mlle. Cécile Brunner
2 favorite votes.  
The Friends of Vintage Roses Collection garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Old Rose Garden looking uphill to Cedar of Lebanon 2020
Uploaded 21 DEC 20
Madame Jules Thibaud rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Photographed at Araluen Botanic Gardens, near Perth, Australia. Clearly a sport of Perle d'Or, not of Mlle Cecile Brunner. -GL
1 favorite vote.  
Paul Ricault rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Photo taken at The Friends of Vintage Roses, May 2018, Sebastopol, CA. This we believe to be the true Paul Ricault. As all other HMF images appear to be showing Paul Perras, the "Crepe Rose", we wanted to share this. This plant came from Mike Lowe's own-root rose nursery in the 1990s under the name 'Paul Ricault à Fleures Pourpres', a name that does not show up in the literature. He imported this from a European nursery, and we believe that perhaps the prevailing misconception of the time that Paul Perras was actually Paul Ricault may have led the nursery to create that name, as a way of explaining the much deeper, redder color of the rose. This is however the color that is described repeatedly in earlier literature. The plant moreover has the foliage and stance of a Hybrid China/early HP, with a color that at the time was rich and brilliant, showing the Chinensis influence found in others like William Jesse, Malton and Brennus.
2 favorite votes.  
Uploaded 12 MAY 18
Madame Jules Thibaud rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Gregg Lowery
Photographed at Araluen Botanic Gardens near Perth, Australia. Clearly this is a pink sport of Perle d'Or, and not of Mlle Cecile Brunner.-GL
1 favorite vote.  
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