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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 1 JUN 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 OCT 05 by catalyst8
I was happy with this rose's first-year performance. Now it looks awful (October in CT), but I'm sure it'll be stronger next year. The fragrance is lovely and the flowers are nicely shaped. It produced a decent number of blooms. I'm looking forward to next year! Seems a little more resistant to black spot than some others.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 1 JUN 08 by Kevin of Yardley
Hi Linda, How did Maria Shriver fair in subsequent years?
most recent 19 MAY 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 MAY 08 by catalyst8
Excellent rose! Mine also made it through a harsh winter here in CT. She's already got buds on her. Highly recommmended!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 MAY 08 by HMF Admin
Thanks for sharing your experience.
most recent 5 MAY 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 OCT 05 by catalyst8
I planted Neptune in the spring and I was very happy with it - the flowers are simply to die for. Gorgeous lavender, sweet fragrance, and it seems to be a tough little plant. Can't wait to see how it does next year (hoping to get it through a CT winter!).
Reply #1 of 7 posted 23 MAY 06 by Anonymous-797
I have one planted in my yard here in Washington state, it can take a freeze outside in a protected area, only problem so far for me is deer eat all of the leaves on mine, and I have it two years, only one bud on it so far this year, which has yet to open.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 31 DEC 06 by Unregistered Guest
It will probably due okay if you have it in kind of a protected area as mine here in the state of Washington has survived the last two winters outside, where we have ours is on our porch on the south side of our house and pretty close to the house and only problem we have had with ours over the last two winters is that the deer come and eat it's leaves and we have had insect problem with it in the fall but not that much dammage done to it so far this winter if at all.
Reply #3 of 7 posted 27 APR 07 by PHYLLIS
I just bought a Neptune today and was wondering how it is now rated..Can you let me know? Thanks, Phyllis
Reply #4 of 7 posted 27 APR 07 by catalyst8
Mine came through the winter fine and is leafing up nicely. Fingers crossed for a great summer of flowers!
Reply #5 of 7 posted 27 APR 07 by PHYLLIS
Thanks so much for your reply. This gives me hope for a great rose. Did anyone find the Morning has broken rosebush? I know that Heirloom has it stock, but I was wondering if there are others that might have it...Let me know....Phyl
Reply #6 of 7 posted 5 MAY 07 by catalyst8
Heirloom is the only place I've seen that has Morning Has Broken - I don't have this rose myself, but I've seen it in a friend's garden and the color is lovely.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 5 MAY 07 by PHYLLIS
We've recently gotten high winds and lots of rain, here in Granbury,Tx. I haven't done a lot with my roses in a few days. We may have thunderstorms again today. It's been drizzling rain,. but the roses love this cooler weather.
I'm hesitant to get the Morning Has Broken rose bush for now...Our vacation starts, June 4th.Thanks for responding...Also about the Neptune rose...Phyllis
most recent 14 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 AUG 06 by catalyst8
This is year two in my garden for Honey Dijon, and I love it! Blooms pretty continuously, many flowers at one time. Color is gorgeous. I'm very happy with this rose!
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